The work of the Karajan Akademie would be unthinkable without the support of many donors and sponsors. While in the early days it was personalities from industry and business who made the academy’s work possible, over the years the group of committed sponsors has grown into an impressive circle of friends. To this day, they are all united by the conviction that music needs participation and reliable partners. The Karajan Akademie represents a fascinating symbiosis of past, present and future. Thanks to the Karajan Akademie, which is supported in various ways, the Berliner Philharmoniker’s traditional playing culture and unique sound are secured for the future.

How you can support us

The Karajan Akademie of the Berliner Philharmoniker is a non-profit organization financed by donations, whose work is supported by an honorary board and advisory board. The advisory board meeting or general meeting takes place once a year and is combined with a concert visit.

Karajan alumni enjoy the following benefits:

  • Invitation to rehearsals, classes and concerts
  • Two free tickets for one Academy concert per season
  • One invitation per season to a reception in the backstage area after a concert
  • Exclusive rehearsal visit with the Berliner Philharmoniker
  • Receipt of a regular newsletter with information exchange
  • Free access to the Digital Concert Hall for selected concerts

A special role is played by the Sponsors’ Association in which active board members – whose companies donate € 25.000, - per year – lend their support to the academy. The Sponsors’ Association supports the work of the Academy and the Berliner Philharmoniker with exclusive concert attendance and personal contact with the chief conductor of the Berliner Philharmoniker, as well as with director Andrea Zietzschmann and the orchestral boards.

The Stiftung zur Förderung der Karajan-Akademie (Foundation for the Promotion of the Karajan Academy) aims to ensure the long-term financing of the Academy and relies solely on donations. All proceeds from the foundation go to the Association.

Private individuals and/or companies can specifically sponsor a scholarship place and thus finance a scholarship holder’s two-year training at the Karajan Akademie. As part of the sponsorship, which costs 25,000 euros per year of training, the sponsors can participate in the development of the scholarship holder.

They receive free admission to the Academy concerts and the concerts in the Carte blanche series. Personal meetings with the scholarship holder, visits to lessons and private house concerts are also part of the sponsorship. A visit to a Berliner Philharmoniker concert in the box of honor at the Philharmonie Berlin, followed by a “meet and greet”, as well as a seat on the board of trustees of the Karajan Akademie of the Berliner Philharmoniker are secured by the sponsorship.

Donation account:

Karajan-Akademie der Berliner Philharmoniker e.V.

IBAN: DE67 1012 0100 1004 0766 61

Support measures

Thanks to these grants, the Karajan Akademie is able to provide young musicians with two years of training with the Berliner Philharmoniker and thus guarantee the promotion of excellent young talent for the orchestra. The support measures include

  • Participation in rehearsals and concerts of the Berliner Philharmoniker
  • Individual instrument tuition with principal players of the orchestra
  • Instruction in, and concert performances of chamber music Courses for audition preparation
  • A monthly stipend of €1,100 

We thank our supporters and sponsors

Axel Springer SE
Burmester Audiosysteme GmbH
Siemens AG
Weberbank Actiengesellschaft
RB Real Berlin

Aventis Foundation
Bühler-Bolstorff-Stiftung Berlin
Dr. Dorothea Winde-Stiftung
Dr. E.u.E.B. Lohmeyer-Stiftung
Karl Schlecht Stiftung (KSG)
Karolina Blaberg Stiftung
Stiftung Berliner Philharmoniker
Stiftung Langeluedcky
Stiftung zur Förderung der Karajan-Akademie

Christian Lewandowski
Dr. Horst Dietz
Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Fuchs
Dr. Manfred Gentz
Dr. Haike und Dr. Jan Deepen
Dr. Hans-Michael und Almut Giesen
Klaus A. Heiliger
Kilian Rebentrost
Marc Müller
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Maennig
Emmanuel Pahud
Jennifer Meier McCausland
Mamoru Yamashita
Dr. Gabriele Winkeltau
Katharina Ottmann

Special Scholarships:
Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM)
Tokyo Gedai University of the Arts

Siemens Arts Program