You’ve all heard the jokes, and you may know the clichés, but beyond these, there is a world of magic to discover around the viola. In New York’s Central Park, Sebastian Krunnies tells us what he loves most about his instrument.
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Video: Magdalena Zieba-Schwind, Adam Janisch
Impressions from the video shoot
First things first: where should we go?
(from left: Magdalena Zieba-Schwind, Adam Janisch, Sebastian Krunnies) | Picture: Luisa Aha
The only way is up! | Picture: Luisa Aha
A short breather in between ... | Picture: Luisa Aha
... until the perfect location is found. Not in the picture: the 25 or so park visitors who waited patiently behind the camera for their chance to take the perfect photo. | Picture: Luisa Aha
Central Park offers one fantastic view after another. | Picture: Luisa Aha
Ok, one last shot! But then we have to go. | Picture: Luisa Aha