A person stands on the shore of the sea and looks into the distance. The person is wearing a warm jacket, a rucksack and a cap. The scene is bathed in soft, diffuse light that falls through the clouds in the sky. On the horizon, a single bird flies over the rough, undulating sea.
Excerpt from the movie “Geographies of Solitude” | Picture:  Arsenal – Institut für Film und Videokunst e.V., Berlin

Concert information

Biennale of the Berliner Philharmoniker


For decades, ecologist Zoe Lucas has been researching the flora and fauna on Sable Island, a remote island off the east coast of Canada, and documenting an ecosystem largely unaffected by human influence. Experimental filmmaker Jacquelyn Mills accompanies her, capturing her meticulous work on 16 mm film and immersing herself in the deep structures and beauty of life by editing and distorting the material. Nature appears as an overwhelming place of stillness and perpetual growth and decay, with large quantities of plastic waste highlighting the threat to this world.

St. Matthäus-Kirche