Zubin Mehta
Zubin Mehta | Picture: Alberto Conti, Oera di Firenze

Series K

Included: six concerts
Prices: 171 to 504 €

Celebrated as a sensational talent, violinist Himari makes her debut with the Berliner Philharmoniker at the age of just 13 – the same age as Anne-Sophie Mutter. Other exceptional soloists can be heard in this series: Vilde Frang in Erich Wolfgang Korngold’s film-musical, lush violin concerto and artist in residence Seong-Jin Cho with Guillaume Jehl in Dmitri Shostakovich’s concerto for piano and trumpet. Kirill Petrenko conducts Dvořák’s dramatic Seventh Symphony, Tugan Sokhiev Mahler’s First Symphony, interspersed with folk songs and nature sounds, and Gustavo Dudamel interprets Tchaikovsky’s Fifth Symphony, which tells of the power of fate. The US conductor Marin Alsop devotes herself to Copland’s atmospherically dense ballet music Appalachian Spring.

Seong-Jin Cho

Artist in Residence
Main Auditorium

Berliner Philharmoniker
Paavo Järvi conductor
Seong-Jin Cho piano
Guillaume Jehl trumpet

Works by
Veljo Tormis, Dmitri Shostakovich and Anton Bruckner

Veljo Tormis
Overture No. 2

Dmitri Shostakovich
Concerto for Piano, Trumpet and String Orchestra in C minor, op. 35

Seong-Jin Cho piano, Guillaume Jehl trumpet


Anton Bruckner
Symphony No. 1 in C minor

Vilde Frang mit Geige

Main Auditorium

Berliner Philharmoniker
Kirill Petrenko conductor
Vilde Frang violin

Works by
Sergei Rachmaninoff, Erich Wolfgang Korngold and Antonín Dvořák

Sergei Rachmaninoff
Isle of the Dead, Symphonic Poem, op. 29

Erich Wolfgang Korngold
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D major, op. 35

Vilde Frang violin


Antonín Dvořák
Symphony No. 7 in D minor, op. 70

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Tugan Sokhiev

Main Auditorium

Berliner Philharmoniker
Tugan Sokhiev conductor
Amihai Grosz viola

Works by
Lili Boulanger, Donghoon Shin and Gustav Mahler

Lili Boulanger
D’un matin de printemps

Donghoon Shin
Threadsuns, commissioned by the Berliner Philharmoniker Foundation and the Tonkunstler Orchester

Amihai Grosz viola


Gustav Mahler
Symphony No. 1 in D major

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Marin Alsop leaning against a wall

Biennale of the Berliner Philharmoniker
Main Auditorium

Berliner Philharmoniker
Marin Alsop conductor
Rundfunkchor Berlin
Gijs Leenaars chorus master

Works by
Outi Tarkiainen, Brett Dean, Aaron Copland and Heitor Villa-Lobos

Outi Tarkiainen
Day Night Day, commissioned by the Berliner Philharmoniker Foundation, the Boston Symphony Orchestra and the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra (Première)

Brett Dean
Fire Music for orchestra


Aaron Copland
Appalachian Spring (Version for orchestra from 1954)

Heitor Villa-Lobos
Chôros No. 10 ˮRasga o coração“ for orchestra and mixed choir

Rundfunkchor Berlin, Gijs Leenaars chorus master

Zubin Mehta

Main Auditorium

Berliner Philharmoniker
Zubin Mehta conductor
Himari violin

Works by
Carl Maria von Weber, Henryk Wieniawski and Franz Schubert

Carl Maria von Weber
Oberon: Overture

Henryk Wieniawski
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 1 in F sharp minor, op. 14

Himari violin


Franz Schubert
Symphony No. 8 in C major, D 944 “Great”

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Portrait photo of Klaus Mäkelä.

Main Auditorium

Berliner Philharmoniker
Klaus Mäkelä conductor

Works by
Wolfgang Rihm and Richard Strauss

Wolfgang Rihm
Transitus III


Richard Strauss
Eine Alpensinfonie (An Alpine Symphony), op. 64

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Price category Block/row Price
A Row 1–12
B Row 1–3
E Row 1–2
504 €
B Row 4–10
E Row 3–4
447 €
C Row 1–3
D Row 1–2
E Row 5–6
393 €
E Row 7–8
F Row 1–2
342 €
C Row 4–7
D Row 3–4
F Row 3–5
H Row 1–2
285 €
C Row 8–11
D Row 5–6
H Row 3–5
222 €
G Row 1–4 right
K Row 1–2
171 €
G Row 1–5 left
K Row 3–4
Wheelchair positions
171 €