The picture shows a stage with several people standing on a multi-levelled platform. The scene is lit in warm shades of pink and orange, creating an atmospheric ambience. In the background are large, vertical screens with abstract visuals that reinforce the theatrical feel.
School project: Paradise Lost? | Picture: Alexander Schubert
Das Bild zeigt ein computergeneriertes Unendlichzeichen
Bild: Alexander Schubert, Terminal Infinity

    With the festival theme Paradise lost?, the Berliner Philharmoniker Biennale 2025 are focussing on our endangered natural world, shedding light on one of the most pressing problems of our time. As part of the Biennale, Extra Life will be an audiovisual, performative and immersive installation that addresses the transition of humans into an increasingly technological world. We invite students to actively participate in this project in the winter semester 24/25. In this project, young people can participate in creative workshops, project management or communication and contribute their interests and skills. This includes a visit to the performance for schools on 24 February 2025.

    “Terminal Infinity” at a glance

    Age recommendation: Senior classes
    Duration: October 2024 to February 2025
    Dates: Workshops by arrangement, performance on 24.02.2025 in the Radialsystem
    Participation: free of charge, registration via the online form linked below


    School concert: Terminal Infinity

    Members of the Berliner Philharmoniker and of the Karajan-Akademie
    Leah Marojević dance
    Gyung Moo Kim dance
    Dance On Ensemble
    Ty Boomershine dance
    Gesine Moog dance
    Tim Persent dance
    Lia Witjes Poole dance

    Jugendtanzcompany von Sasha Waltz & Guests
    Noomi Aldinger dance
    Toni Lehnert dance
    Leah Soltau dance
    Nika Brovot dance
    Jonathan Walker dance

    Alexander Schubert Artistic direction, conception, composition and sound direction
    Colette Sadler concept, development of the piece and choreography
    Dominic Huber Scenography
    Diego Muhr light design
    Felina Levits costumes
    Ludmilla Mercier Regieassistenz
    Candid Rütter Video mapping and lighting assistance
    Oscar Corpo music notation, instrumentation and composition assistance

    Alexander Schubert
    Terminal Infinity, commissioned by the Berliner Philharmoniker (premiere)

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    Free entry, registration only for schools

    With the kind support of the