What does it mean to be human in a world that is increasingly characterised by technology? Terminal Infinity, an immersive, audiovisual installation, explores this transition and its impact on our identity and environment. Commissioned by the Berliner Philharmoniker as part of their Biennale 2025, it combines music and visual art to create a unique performance. Humans in transition take centre stage: a reflection on the end of the Anthropocene and the interplay between technology and nature. Immerse yourself in this fascinating and at the same time disturbing world.
A production of the Berliner Philharmoniker in collaboration with DANCE ON / Bureau Ritter, youth dance company of Sasha Waltz & Guests and the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg
Age recommendation: from 16 years
Tickets: 40 € / U30 15 €
Workshops for upper school classes
On 24 February 2025, there will be a concert for upper school classes. In workshops, pupils will deal with the topic in advance and get involved in the project.
Find out more here: Biennale workshop for secondary school classes
Biennale of the Berliner Philharmoniker
Terminal Infinity
Members of the Berliner Philharmoniker and of the Karajan-Akademie
Leah Marojević dance
Gyung Moo Kim dance
Dance On Ensemble
Ty Boomershine dance
Gesine Moog dance
Tim Persent dance
Lia Witjes Poole dance
Jugendtanzcompany von Sasha Waltz & Guests
Noomi Aldinger dance
Toni Lehnert dance
Leah Soltau dance
Nika Brovot dance
Jonathan Walker dance
Alexander Schubert Artistic direction, conception, composition and sound direction
Colette Sadler concept, development of the piece and choreography
Dominic Huber Scenography
Diego Muhr light design
Felina Levits costumes
Ludmilla Mercier Regieassistenz
Candid Rütter Video mapping and lighting assistance
Oscar Corpo music notation, instrumentation and composition assistance
Alexander Schubert
Terminal Infinity commissioned by the Berliner Philharmoniker (Premiere)
Also available as Biennale package
Biennale of the Berliner Philharmoniker
Terminal Infinity
Members of the Berliner Philharmoniker and of the Karajan-Akademie
Leah Marojević dance
Gyung Moo Kim dance
Dance On Ensemble
Ty Boomershine dance
Gesine Moog dance
Tim Persent dance
Lia Witjes Poole dance
Jugendtanzcompany von Sasha Waltz & Guests
Noomi Aldinger dance
Toni Lehnert dance
Leah Soltau dance
Nika Brovot dance
Jonathan Walker dance
Alexander Schubert Artistic direction, conception, composition and sound direction
Colette Sadler concept, development of the piece and choreography
Dominic Huber Scenography
Diego Muhr light design
Felina Levits costumes
Ludmilla Mercier Regieassistenz
Candid Rütter Video mapping and lighting assistance
Oscar Corpo music notation, instrumentation and composition assistance
Alexander Schubert
Terminal Infinity commissioned by the Berliner Philharmoniker (Premiere)
Also available as Biennale package
School concert: Terminal Infinity
Members of the Berliner Philharmoniker and of the Karajan-Akademie
Leah Marojević dance
Gyung Moo Kim dance
Dance On Ensemble
Ty Boomershine dance
Gesine Moog dance
Tim Persent dance
Lia Witjes Poole dance
Jugendtanzcompany von Sasha Waltz & Guests
Noomi Aldinger dance
Toni Lehnert dance
Leah Soltau dance
Nika Brovot dance
Jonathan Walker dance
Alexander Schubert Artistic direction, conception, composition and sound direction
Colette Sadler concept, development of the piece and choreography
Dominic Huber Scenography
Diego Muhr light design
Felina Levits costumes
Ludmilla Mercier Regieassistenz
Candid Rütter Video mapping and lighting assistance
Oscar Corpo music notation, instrumentation and composition assistance
Alexander Schubert
Colette Sadler
Terminal Infinity, commissioned by the Berliner Philharmoniker Foundation (premiere)
Free entry, registration only for schools