Several people are standing in the foyer of the Berlin Philharmonie, chatting. Some are holding programme booklets. The background shows other guests and architectural details of the foyer.
Get in touch with us at information events or via our contact form. | Picture: Peter Adamik

When you become a Friend of the Berliner Philharmoniker, it opens up many possibilities for you: that’s not just because you are supporting the orchestra financially and sponsoring many projects through your membership. You will meet like-minded people, connected by your love and passion for classical music. You will be part of a community whose life is enriched by the music of the Berliner Philharmoniker.

Members of the association have attractive and interesting opportunities to experience the world of the Berliner Philharmoniker - whether as friends, sponsors, or patrons.

Every year, three Sunday matinees with Berlin Philharmonic musicians take place, each dedicated to a specific theme. In the series “Let's talk about music” you will get to know the orchestra members in conversation. We also invite you to visit rehearsals. You can find more information about our offers under the respective membership (friend, sponsor, or patron).

You decide whether you want to become a “Friend” (at least €150 annual contribution), a “Supporter” (at least €1,200 a year) or a “Patron” (at least €6,000 a year). All membership dues are tax-deductible.

Become a friend

Your benefits

  • Four special events per season (usually with members of the Berliner Philharmoniker)
  • Invitation to one dress rehearsal per season
  • Preferential treatment for ticket reservations for specially arranged concerts (subject to availability)

The minimum annual contribution is only €150 and can be increased as required.

Become a supporter

Your benefits

In addition to the standard benefits, supporters of the Berliner Philharmoniker also receive

  • Personal attention from the Board and management
  • Exclusive ordering options for tickets up to two weeks before the advance sale date
  • Preferential treatment for tickets ordered after the pre-purchase deadline
  • Invitation to the season’s opening concert (and subsequent dinner) by the Berlin Philharmonic Foundation
  • Preferential treatment for subscriptions
  • Complimentary copy of the magazine issued by the Berlin Philharmonic Foundation
  • Preferential seating for association events
  • Mention in the Annual Report or other publications (if desired)

The annual membership fee amounts to at least €1,200 for individuals and non-profit legal entities and at least €3,000 for companies.

Become a patron

Your benefits

In addition to the above, Patrons of the Berliner Philharmoniker also receive:

  • Invitations to receptions with members of the Orchestra
  • Participation in the Berliner Philharmoniker’s tours, including opportunities to attend rehearsals, obtain admission tickets and attend meetings with musicians and the General Manager (subject to permission and additional payment)
  • An exclusive evening and dinner with the chief conductor and/or Andrea Zietzschmann, the orchestra’s General Manager, and other orchestra members
  • Opportunity to visit working rehearsals and dress rehearsals of the Berliner Philharmoniker Orchestra (subject to prior permission)

The annual membership fee amounts to at least €6,000.

Become a young friend

Your benefits

In addition to the standard benefits, supporters of the Berliner Philharmoniker also receive

  • Innovative events
  • Interactive membership
  • Strong network
  • Exclusive invitations

Members are free to determine the size of their “annual donation” (a minimum payment of €50 per year for students and €100 per year for young professionals).