


Can you remember the favourite songs of your parents or grandparents? Do you sometimes sing them to yourself? Just as fashion, nature and cities change over time, so do the music genres and styles that can be heard in people’s homes. But there are always melodies that connect the generations. Together, the Berliner Philharmoniker and the PalaisPopulaire invite children aged 6 and over to discover creative worlds based on individual works of art in the exhibition It’s Just a Matter of Time. A visit to the exhibition thus becomes a first concert experience, encouraging children to join in, but also to listen and reflect.


  • Kostenfreie Ausstellungsexpedition mit Mitgliedern der Berliner Philharmoniker
  • Für Schuklassen 1-3
  • Die kostenfreie Anmeldung erfolgt über das Formular


kostenfreie Schulführung für Klasse 1-3